Welcome to MandelNet! Version 1.2 - September 1995 by Christoph Pfisterer MandelNet is a package that lets you compute Mandelbrot fractals using the combined computing power of several Macintoshes on a AppleTalk network. Of course it may be used on single machines too, but it was especially designed for network use. It also takes advantage of several System 7 features like Apple Events or Balloon Help and thus won’t run with earlier systems. Concept The MandelNet package consists of two applications, ‘MandelNet Master’ and ‘MandelNet Slave’. The Master is a perfectly normal application - you use it to create, open, save and manipulate documents. The real calculations however are performed by the Slave. You may connect any number of Slaves to a Master, thus increasing it’s calculation speed. Quick Start • Copy MandelNet Master to your Macintosh’s hard disk. • Place a copy of MandelNet Slave on every Macintosh whose computing power you wish to use. • Allow program linking on all used machines by following these substeps (only required for network use): ° Enable AppleTalk in the Chooser. ° Open the Sharing Setup control panel and start program linking. ° Open the Users & Groups control panel and enable program linking for guests. • Launch MandelNet Master on your machine. • Launch all copies of MandelNet Slave you placed on the network in the second step. • Connect the Master with all Slaves by selecting ‘Open Connection…’ from the appropriate menu in the Slave or in the Master. That’s it. Select ‘New…’ from the ‘File’ menu in the Master to start a new calculation. Remember that you can use Balloon Help to find out more about both MandelNet Master and MandelNet Slave. Enjoy, - Christoph Pfisterer